Rebecca LeVake | Made To Move
In a world where food is fast, convenient, and provides instant feel-good gratification, we face daily temptati...
John Jannenga | HeArt Studios
Creative Prayer is a way to explore, express and heal from trauma, wounds and lies that hinder us from walking ...
Alice Murray | FaithLife
Abiding with God means doing so through increasing spiritual disciplines - or rhythms - with the Holy Spirit. Learn...
Kelly Wutschke | New Covenant Bible Church
Scripture instructs us to both be mentored and to mentor others. Find out how.
Panel: Deborah Ryon, Lindsay Talsness, Steve Adolphs
This trusted team of parents guides a discussion on how to get kids actively involved no...
Rebecca LeVake | Made To Move
Wear comfortable clothing, bring a mat, take a deep breath, and get ready to move. By God’s good design, good t...
Christian Vaughn | New Covenant Bible Church
Simple practices to help ground yourself and refocus during times of turmoil.
Jim Gregory | New Covenant Bible Church
This workshop is designed to help you develop - or enhance - your daily quiet time with God.
Josh Casey | Stonebridge Church
Navigating the unfortunate weirdness of evangelicalism and the church in our times. Drawing on Colossians 2:1...
Music: Ryan Clair | Visual Art: Leanne Westcot
Many years, we get feedback that says, "I loved the idea of the Abide Room but I really didn't...